What Apps Should I Use For Solo Travel?
There are thousands of different apps out there. If you’re wondering which apps would be useful for travel I’ll share some of the apps I use the most when traveling, and a couple other apps I think could be useful for solo travel.
1. Hostelworld
When I left the country I did a good amount of research on different options for places to stay. I found this app, but didn’t think much of it at first.
I was surprised to find out that the hostels listed on the app are actually some of the best hostels you can find abroad. The app is also popular among Europeans (at least among the Europeans I’ve met).
2. Airbnb
It’s always good to have other options when it comes to living arrangements. I’ve used Airbnb so many times both in the United States and abroad. It’s a great low-cost alternative to hotels.
Your experience may be different than mine, but I’ve never had a really bad experience with Airbnb. It’s usually with the hosts or other guests, but even then it was never too serious of a problem.
This is coming from someone who’s done month long stays at multiple Airbnb’s. Basically, Airbnb’s are a good for solo travelers on a budget.
3. Couchsurfing
I’ve never actually tried Couchsurfing, but I would give it a try if I found myself in a tight situation. Like I said before, it’s always good to have options just in case things don’t go exactly how you planned.
4. Google Maps/Other Similar App
I used this app almost daily when I traveled abroad. It might not be so handy in rural areas, but in bigger metropolitan cities it can really be useful for finding your way around the city. Not to mention finding restaurants, clothing stores, and other points of interest.
5. Google Translate/Similar App
Most countries now a days have people who speak English fairly well, but It’s always a good idea to try and learn the language even at the most basic level. It’ll also be easier to meet people if you take interest in learning the local language.
6. Instagram/Social Media Apps
Instagram is still popular among younger travelers that are around 18-30 years old. If you’re a younger traveler looking to stay connected than Instagram will probably be your go to app when exchanging contact info.
with other people around that age. Older travelers tend to favor Facebook over other types of social media. So if you’re planning to leave make sure you stay active on all social media.
7. Flight/Travel Planning Apps
Apps Like Skyscanner, Hopper, Expedia, Booking.com or other similar travel apps/websites are good to have to compare flight prices, travel packages (if you have the money), or browse through hotel rates. Skyscanner and Hopper tend have better deals when it comes to flights.
With Hopper having a more user friendly interface. Expedia and Booking.com are very popular when it comes to travel package deals. The way I see it the more informed you are the better off you’ll be especially if you’re traveling on your own.
8. Rideshare/Delivery Apps
If your traveling solo abroad you’ll probably use rideshare apps just about as much as apps like google maps. You can opt to rent a car, but that would set you back by a good amount.
Some countries may even have their own rideshare apps that work the same way or similarly to Uber. I know that in Indonesia they use the Gojek app which is their version on rideshare/food delivery apps.
9. Tinder/Similar Apps
Now, I know what you’re thinking Tinder really? The thing is, apps like this might actually be a good way to meet people if you’re traveling on your own.
I know more than a couple people who use this app just to meet friends or other travelers. I know Tinder is pegged as a dating app, but it could be a legit way to meet other like minded people.
The App Economy and Solo Travel
Almost everyone in the world has access to smartphones and the internet. In the modern world, apps aren’t just helpful applications that you use just to make your life a little easier.
They’ve become part of not only modern living, but modern travel as well. Airlines all have their own apps to help you navigate their systems.
Other travel companies require you to download their app just to present your tickets. People rely on their phone apps on a daily basis. From navigational apps to delivery apps.
Using apps to help you in your daily travels is even more important as a solo traveler. With only yourself to rely on, the use of any type of app/resource to help you on your travels would only prove to be a benefit.
If you want to know more about solo travel visit the main page at Traks&Paks.